To enable HTBarnes to reach and grow under 18s and their families with the good news of Jesus.
This is a strategic role with significant responsibility including:
In common with all who minister at HTBarnes, the post holder must model Christian faith and life. The following should be self-evident in their ministry: excellent safeguarding practice, collaborative ministry, intergenerational church.
Toi receive the detailed job description, church p[profile and more email in confidence or call Simon on 07927 619n217
Our application process seeks to help us discern vocation together. Protecting your personal information, we will pray for you and respect the effort put into an application.
It starts with contacting us for an application pack and booking an initial call. We are at:, or call 07927 619217.
The initial call is to answer any questions and for us to understand how we can best support your needs through our process. We welcome any one who wants to visit or meet in person before the application deadline of 17 February. That can be arranged any time by calling Simon on 07927 619217.
Application Forms should be emailed to and must arrive by 5pm Monday 17 February. We cannot accept any other form of application, such as CV or social/web presence.
All candidates will be informed of the outcome of their application personally and both result and feedback offered according to the preference stated in your application form.
Shortlisted candidates will be invited to a discernment weekend in Barnes on 1ts to 2nd March. HTBarnes will cover all necessary expenses, including accommodation .Full details of this will be sent to invited candidates.
If you have any questions please contact Simon on 07927619217.
Holy Trinity Church is part of the Church of England and we encourage applications from people of every background and heritage.. This role has an occupational requirement for the worker to be a committed Christian Equality Act 2010, Part 1, Schedule 9 applies.
Our vision is to be a church that welcomes people to Jesus and one that you can call home.
Over the years, we have seen God do wonderful things here – people have been welcomed, taught, transformed and sent out.
We value gathering to worship and give thanks on Sundays and many of us meet midweek in smaller groups to make friends and learn together what it means to follow Jesus.
Our groups are places you can be equipped and built up as you live out your life loving and serving in our community, workplaces and city.
As we do this together, we hope to see ourselves and our city transformed and our nation blessed.
How we implement our vision
- Through welcome – hospitality is the key to our welcome on a Sunday and during the week this happens in our groups.
-Through teaching – the Bible, Beliefs and Spiritual Habits.
- Through healing & discipling – being a people on the mend by Gospel – Knowing and sharing Jesus (incl. Alpha), being a community of believers – discipling one another and being equipped to serve the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-12) and through Mission – acts of service (individually or corporately) to heal injustice.
- Sending – We are all called and are being sent in individual ways (church, neighbourhood, our work & to nations)