St Mary’s is a vibrant Church that is looking to enhance and grow its work with children and families. We are seeking the right candidate to inspire and ignite the passion for Christ within our Church and Community.
Creating more opportunities for families and children to grow in depth of Christian faith and experience of God, to grow together as a household of faith and to grow through going out to share God’s Kingdom & Jesus’s love with our wider community.
The main aims are to:
· Further develop existing church-based provision, establishing young disciples whose vigour and openness to God speaks to the whole church and community
· Able to deliver to a range of Children's ages and to lead in different church situations from up-front in church leading children's services, to small groups.
· Work with and in the local primary schools
· Reach out to children in the wider community in a variety of different ways seeking to bring children and families to a faith in Jesus Christ and enabling discipleship through St Mary's
· Work alongside other Children’s organisations in the area
· Partnering with parents and carers to develop children in their faith
· The age range covered by the Children’s and Families Worker will be 0 - 11 years
· Partner with other churches in the area in the provision of Children’s and Families Ministry.
The role is divided into the main areas of: Leadership, Church Based Discipleship Ministry and Community Outreach Ministry.
· Leading, training and equipping Children’s and Families Ministry volunteers. This will entail working in a collaborative manner with our existing children’s leaders to develop our ministries.
· Establishing a clear strategy/vision and shaping programmes and priorities for Children’s and Families Ministry.
· Contributing to the leadership team in the Church.
· To ensure effective and smooth operation of Children's Ministry, including management of rotas, up-to-date safeguarding and operational administration.
Church Based Discipleship Ministry
· Children’s Church on Sundays: To provide fun, engaging sessions and to inspire and encourage the growing faith within our children and the wider church.
· To co-ordinate, plan and provide oversight to children’s work volunteers, parents and carers.
· Baptism support
Community Outreach Ministry
· Work with the two primary schools in the Parish: regular assemblies, hosting festival services, workshops and church visits
· Lighthouse – annual children’s activity week, that attracts some 400 children from Risborough and surrounding area: preparation, leadership.
· Support church groups and events, including regular weekly activities such as Play Café, bi-monthly Messy Church sessions, and more seasonal activities such as a Light Party, Lent Activities and other events as deemed appropriate.
· Missional Communities: we have a part-time Pioneer Minister on our staff team, who runs monthly 'Maker & Fixer' sessions at the Repair Barn which attracts Ukrainian families.
· Support to Uniformed children’s groups (Beavers, Brownies): church visits, special services e.g. St George's Day and Christmas Carols.
· To expand the offering of Church and families’ events, such as opening a new hub / coffee morning, Play Café to support the new communities within the local area
The Children’s and Families Worker will be a member of the Oxford Diocese Network of employed Children’s and Family workers and will be given financial and time support to attend meetings and retreats. They will also be networking locally. / 01844 273300
contact the Parish Office:
Welcome to St Mary's!
We are the Parish Church of Princes Risborough and a Church where everyone matters and all are welcome.
Our mission statement is 'Sharing the Love of Christ with All'. In everything we do we seek to express this purpose, living by biblical principles and mindful of Jesus' Great Commission to his Church to 'Go and make disciples'.
We are a vibrant and growing Church, offering a variety of styles and worship each Sunday and living out our faith every day in our homes, workplaces & community.