You’ve made it through the first interview and have been offered a second. Congratulations! You obviously impressed and are a step closer to being offered the job. The second interview is the final hurdle, but it is an important one and it’s vital that you spend even more time preparing for it than you did for the first. Don’t make the mistake of thinking the job is already in the bag! You may be up against tough opposition, so be prepared to give your very best during interview number two.
Learn from the first interview
Think about what information you gained during the first round of interviews. What did it tell you about the company and about the interviewers? Pick up on specific details that you can use in your favour during round two. Demonstrate that you now have a deeper understanding of how the organisation is run and its key personnel. It may help to follow the company and core staff members – including interviewers – on social media so you are up to date with any new developments and have a better knowledge of their interests and personalities. (As an aside, be very careful about whatever you post on social media as they may also be monitoring you!)
Build on the positives
You obviously did well during the first stage, so use this as a stepping stone to the second interview. It may be that you can explain things in greater detail, adding to examples that have previously been given. Explain what you believe to be the characteristics of a successful candidate and what challenges you might face, and how you would be able to make progress in the role. Let your personality shine through, offering information about your personal life as well as your skills and experience where appropriate. Smile and use positive body language to engage with your interviewers.
Be prepared
It might be that you’ve been asked to give a formal presentation or prepare something for the interview in advance. If that’s the case, you will need to spend time making sure whatever you present is the best it can be. Ask others to read through any information you are taking along or to watch your presentation and ask questions. The more prepared you are the more confident you will be on the day. If you’re not exactly sure what is expected of you, ask in advance. This shows that you are serious about the interview and want to do a good job. It is also worth preparing some thoughtful questions for your interviewers. These may relate to the role, the company structure, salary, benefits or anything else you can think of. It’s always better to have a few questions up your sleeve as they will almost certainly ask if you have any at the end of the session.