Thanks for visiting us at Premier Jobsearch
We’ve set out some useful information to help you find your way around the site.
If you are under the age of 18, you should use this website only with the supervision of an adult.
When you create your account, please ensure;
Managing your Account
If you require a job seeker and an employer account, please note that you will need to use 2 separate email addresses at registration. After logging into your account, you can manage your details, adverts, applications and job alerts. If you are a job seeker you can also post your CV for employers to view. You’ll have the ability to cancel alerts and subscriptions at any time by selecting the unsubscribe link in the emails you receive.
Premier Jobsearch reserves the right to terminate a customer’s account without providing a reason. Although this is very unlikely to happen, if your account is terminated, we will notify you by email.
Advertising packages are correctly priced at the time of checkout. We reserve the right to alter or amend prices & allow the use of discount codes from time to time. Discounts are offered at the sole discretion of Premier Jobsearch and we reserve the right to withdraw discounts at any time.
Credits can be managed from the registered account users dashboard or via your jobs account manager
Credits cannot be exchanged for any other job packages or services and are non refundable.
Credits are a pre-pay service and are not available on invoice
Credits can be redeemed up to 12 months from booking date
Our advertising prices include VAT.
To place an advert excluding VAT contact us on 020 7316 1368 or 02073161398 or email and we will be happy to make the necessary changes to your account to allow you to place your ads. We are also happy to place your ads for you if you find that easier. Please contact a member of our team on 020 7316 1368 or 02073161398 or email
In order to claim VAT exemption, you will need to download this form here and return it to us by emailing
Receiving confirmation emails
Immediately after creating your account, and accessing any of the products or services on Premier Jobsearch you will receive a confirmation email.
When Placing Content on Premier Jobsearch
When using the website please respect the following rules:
Please use appropriate language, our Premier Jobsearch Team are always here to help you construct your adverts and ensure they comply with all legislation and best practice with regard to online recruitment advertising.
Premier Jobsearch reserves the right to monitor all communications made to us or using our website forms.
Please be aware that any information you send to us through our website or associated emails or processes, for example posted jobs and CV’s, may be modified by us in and you agree to waive your right to be identified as the author of such information
In these Terms and Conditions, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
a. The Company’ shall mean Premier Christian Communications Ltd, registered in England, company number 2816074 with a registered office address of 22 Chapter Street, London, SW1P 4NP, trading as Premier and its successors and assigns.
b. ‘The Advertiser’ shall mean the person, firm or company by whom an order for an advertisement booking is placed, including any Advertising Agency acting on behalf of such person, firm or company and shall also mean and include the Advertiser’s successors in title and assigns.
c. 'Advertisement Copy’ shall mean any promotional or advertising material, including sponsorship, intended for transmission or publication by the Company.
d. ‘Advertising Agency’ shall mean a person, firm or company carrying on the business of selecting and purchasing advertising time for persons wishing to advertise.
e. ‘Advertisement shall mean: advertising material broadcast or published by the Company including but not limited to transmission on air, published in a printed magazine or published online.
f. Published’ (and its grammatical derivatives) shall include published in print and by any electronic means including email, electronic versions of magazines and on websites.
g. The ‘RA’ shall mean the Radio Authority.
h. ‘Working Day’ shall mean Monday - Friday inclusive in each week except any Bank Holiday or Public Holiday. Expressions denoting singular shall be deemed to include the plural and vice versa.
a. By placing an order with the Company, and in consideration for the Company agreeing (subject to the Terms and Conditions) to transmit or publish the Advertiser’s Advertisement, the Advertiser and the Company agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.
b. No terms and conditions other than those set forth herein or any variation thereof under paragraph 10, shall be binding on the Company or the Advertiser unless agreed in writing and signed on behalf of both the Company the Advertiser
a. Advertisements will only be transmitted or published if they are approved by the Company, satisfy its technical requirements, comply with the Broadcasting Act 1990 (and any amending or superseding enactment), the Code of Advertising Standards and Practice and Programme Sponsorship issued by the RA, and any and all other laws and codes as applicable from time to time.
b. The Company requires all church and para-church advertisers and purchasers of ministry air time to be members of or affiliated to an established Christian denomination. If non-denominational, they must be able to demonstrate their good standing with the Evangelical Alliance or Afro-Caribbean Evangelical Allianceor provide an acceptableCouncil of Reference. The Company requires a copy of any religious advertiser’s Mission Statement and we reserve the right to undertake all available checks to ensure those advertisers’ religious doctrines and practices comply with the teaching of the Christian Church.
c. Registered charities should be in good standing with the Charity Commission and the Company cannotaccept potential advertisers who may be in dispute with the Commission or be under investigation until a positive outcome can be proven.
d. We require payment in full and in advance of any advertising campaigns booked, prior to display, online or radio advertisements going live.
e. We require all independently produced copy to be received at our studios not later than seven working days prior to broadcast. All such copy will be vetted, and we reserve the right to reject, or require that amendments be made, (at an additional cost), to any copy of inappropriate quality, or having inappropriate content. Any piece of copy being of the incorrect length will necessitate a penalty of £10 per additional second, or, if the copy is mistimed so as to run nearer to the next recognised commercial length, the higher rate will apply.
f. Advertisement Copy for transmission, excluding sponsorship material, must be submitted for advance clearance to any organisation or person approved by the RA, eg: the Radio Advertising Clearance Centre before submission to the Company. Sponsorship material for transmission must be agreed in advance by the Company before submission of Advertisement Copy including such material.
g. Advance approval of Advertisement Copy shall not in any way prejudice the Company’s right to reject Advertisements as provided below.
h. Advertisement Copy for transmission must be delivered to the Company not less than seven clear Working Days before the date of the intended transmission.
i. Advertisement Copy for print publication must be delivered to the Company before the copy deadline, as advised by the Company.
j. If the Company, in its sole discretion decides that the Advertisement copy is not acceptable in any respect, the Company reserves the right to remove it from its platforms. In cases where advertisement copy is removed the Company shall be entitled to be paid by the Advertiser in full for the Advertisements booked. In addition, the Company at its discretion can repeat Advertisement Copy previously submitted by the Advertiser.
k. The Company shall not be held responsible for any addition to, changes in, or deletions from any advertisement required by the RA, or for the withholding or withdrawal of approval of any advertisement by the RA, or for any costs or consequential loss resulting from any such action of the RA.
l. The Company reserves the right, in its absolute discretion and without incurring any liability, to decline to transmit or publish any Advertisement without giving any reason in writing for so declining.
m. Notwithstanding the provisions of any of the sub-paragraphs of this paragraph 4, the Company reserves the right in its absolute discretion to add to, delete or to otherwise change the Advertisement Copy or to do any act or thing in respect of the transmission or publication of any Advertisement or part thereof which is found to contain unsuitable Advertisement Copy and the Company shall not thereby incur any liability to the Advertiser who shall have no claim whatsoever for damages or otherwise in respect of such Advertisement but the Advertiser shall remain liable to the Company for the charges payable for such Advertisements.
n. The Company reserves the right to restrict or refuse any repeat transmission or publication of the same advertisement.
o. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 10, all bookings are accepted on the understanding that they will be paid for at the rates in force at the date of transmission or publication.
p. The Company reserves the right at its absolute discretion to refuse Advertisements advertising more than one product.
q. Notwithstanding the above, the Company reserves the right to decline or withdraw air time or publication if an advertiser’s campaign compromises the aims and objectives of the Company.
r. The Company may, at its absolute discretion, consider requests from an Advertiser to cancel Advertisements. Refunds will only be made at the Company’s sole discretion
s. The acceptance of advertising does not indicate editorial endorsement.
a. While every care will be taken in respect of recordings, scripts, images, files or other material, the Company will not be liable for any loss or damage thereto or for any delay in delivery thereof in any circumstances.
The Advertiser warrants and undertakes that:
a. It will be responsible for obtaining and paying all necessary licences and consents for the transmission or publication of any advertising of copyright material contained or the appearance of any person in their advertisement;
b. In the case of any Advertisement submitted for publication by the Buyer which contains the name or pictorial representation, whether photographic or otherwise, of any living person or any part of the anatomy of any living person or any material by which any living person may be identified, the Buyer or the Advertiser has obtained the authority of that living person to make use of his or her name, identity, image, representation and/or copy;
c. No advertisement copy will breach the copyright or other rights of or be defamatory of any third party.
d. All advertising copy submitted is legal, decent, honest and truthful, and complies with the British Code of advertising, Sales Promotion and Direct Marketing and all other relevant codes under the general supervision of the Advertising Standards Authority
e. They will indemnify and keep the Company indemnified against all actions, proceedings, costs, damages, expenses, penalties, claims, demands and liabilities arising from any breach of the above warranties or in any manner whatsoever in consequence of the use of any Advertisement Copy or matter supplied by or transmitted or published for the Advertiser. The Company may from time to time make special charges and/or conditions for specified types of Advertisement or for bookings at certain specified periods.