Holy Trinity Barnes

Our vision is to be a church that welcomes people to Jesus and one that you can call home.

Over the years, we have seen God do wonderful things here – people have been welcomed, taught, transformed and sent out.

We value gathering to worship and give thanks on Sundays and many of us meet midweek in smaller groups to make friends and learn together what it means to follow Jesus.
Our groups are places you can be equipped and built up as you live out your life loving and serving in our community, workplaces and city.

As we do this together, we hope to see ourselves and our city transformed and our nation blessed.

How we implement our vision

- Through welcome – hospitality is the key to our welcome on a Sunday and during the week this happens in our groups.

-Through teaching – the Bible, Beliefs and Spiritual Habits.

- Through healing & discipling – being a people on the mend by Gospel – Knowing and sharing Jesus (incl. Alpha), being a community of believers – discipling one another and being equipped to serve the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-12) and through Mission – acts of service (individually or corporately) to heal injustice.

- Sending – We are all called and are being sent in individual ways (church, neighbourhood, our work & to nations)