Grace London

The church was planted in September 2014, by a small group of young adults. In the ten years since then, we have grown fairly constantly and moved through many phases of maturity. Today, the church is full of life and vibrancy, meeting across three congregations in central London, and gathering predominantly 20s and 30s from a wide array of backgrounds and nationalities. In addition to our Sunday services, we have around thirty midweek home groups (called Life Groups). We seek to engage in evangelism to secular Londoners through our Salt Live events and the Salt Course, and we experience an ongoing and ready opportunity to help those with no faith as well as those who are rediscovering faith in Jesus. 

In terms of what we believe, it’s all about Jesus. You can see our statement of faith here. We’re an evangelical church, holding to a broadly reformed and charismatic theology. We’re part of Advance, a global movement of churches which sits within both these traditions (