Hope Church Beaconsfield is a community-based church of around 90 attendees including children and youth. Our mission is “to help all people find their place in God’s family and their purpose on God’s mission” and our aim is to see people come to the knowledge of God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) through relationship with Him and the church, to grow in spiritual maturity and to fulfil God’s purpose for their lives, bringing glory to Him.
We adhere to the Evangelical Alliance statement of Faith and belong to the New Frontiers family of churches, under the Commission sphere. We also partner with local churches in ecumenical activities. Established in 1915 as a local baptist church, we have a long history in the local area and strong community links.
We are very much a family church and a warm welcome awaits all visitors and seekers. Our Sunday mornings provide for children and youth (currently between 15 - 20), as well as adults, and during the week we have a number of small groups.
You can find out more about us from our website www.hopebeaconsfield.co.uk