The Crew Nurse coordinates healthcare for our volunteer Crew and our local Day Crew. You will support the Crew Physician and oversee the work of the Crew Clinic Administrative Assistant in establishing and maintaining a well-functioning Crew Clinic, supporting our volunteers with the best possible care when needed.
What You Will Contribute
• Arrange appointments for Crew who are ill or need exams or check-ups
• Maintain accurate Crew health records and adequate stock levels of supplies
• Maintain universal precautions at all times
• Record, track and administer immunisations of incoming and current longer term Crew
• Facilitate tuberculosis screenings for Crew and Day Crew
• Give regular health talks to inform Crew about Crew Clinic services and common illnesses and risks
• Assist with the Duty Nurse roster to provide after-hour coverage for Crew when the Crew Clinic and Hospital are closed
• Identify and facilitate maintenance of all non-marine first-aid kits on the ship and at the Education, Training, and Advocacy program support facilities
Mercy Ships uses hospital ships to deliver accessible, free surgery and vital medical care for those in unjust poverty and urgent need. Our supporters and partners are creating a legacy of sustainable healthcare; investing in infrastructure and mentoring local professionals. All this is done through the unique mobilisation of skilled volunteers in partnership with developing nations, motivated by a Christian ethos.
Our part within the wider family of Mercy Ships
Mercy Ships UK plays a crucial role within the global Mercy Ships family, providing resources (predominantly revenue and personnel) to operate our fleet of hospital ships. Our culture also plays an important role – we operate with integrity, excellence and respect, each being passionately responsible for ensuring every beneficiary receives excellent service.