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The dawn of a new year is often seen as a fresh start, a blank slate on which to etch our aspirations and dreams. It's a time when motivation runs high, and anything seems possible. Yet, as weeks turn into months, that initial enthusiasm can wane, leaving many of our goals unachieved. So, how do we set goals in a way that ensures we stick to them throughout the year? Here's a comprehensive guide to not just setting goals but achieving them....
We’ve probably all made New Year’s resolutions at some point, many of which will have failed by January 2. But if finding a new job is your number-one resolution, it’s important that you stick at it until you have that offer in front of you! Lay out your objectives.  Decide what sort of job you’re looking for and think about any training or qualifications you might need to undertake. Think about your priorities. Do you need a new...