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In the competitive landscape of job applications, self-confidence is a vital asset. It is the intangible quality that empowers individuals to articulate their skills and showcase their talents with conviction, and it can therefore be the difference that sets candidates apart in a sea of applicants. In the pursuit of a new role, believing in yourself can become more than just a mindset, but a strategic advantage. As job hunters with a...
Running a family business can be rewarding and challenging at the same time, especially when it comes to maintaining a work-life balance. Balancing professional roles and family relationships requires clear boundaries, effective communication, and shared values. Here's a guide on how to achieve work-life balance while working with family. 1. Define Roles and Responsibilities Clearly defined roles and responsibilities can prevent...
Mentorship can play a pivotal role in career development, offering guidance, support and insights that can propel you towards your professional goals. Despite its significance, the concept of mentorship is often overlooked. Here's why mentorship matters and how to make the most of it in your career journey. 1. Why Mentorship Matters A mentor, with their experience and wisdom, can provide valuable advice on navigating workplace...
Choosing a new career path can be an exciting yet daunting decision. Here are some tips for helping you identify the perfect profession that aligns with your skills, interests, and goals. 1. Assess your skills : Evaluate the skills you've gained from past experiences, including work, education, volunteering, or hobbies. Identify the ones that you enjoy using most and which could be applied to a new career. 2. Identify your passions :...
Common sexist scenarios   You are subjected to irrelevant and insenstive questions.  If you’re of childbearing age, you may be asked if you are planning on having children (and passed over for a job if you say yes). You may also be asked about childcare arrangements if you have children. It’s unusual for male employees to be asked this question, but women are often probed about their family life. I even know some women who have...
A common reason for not pursuing a new career in later life is a concern over finances, although many choose to pursue a new direction at this stage because their financial responsibilities have diminished. Where there’s a will there’s a way, especially if it’s God’s will. Why not explore whether there’s a part-time route to getting a new direction going, running it alongside an existing employment. Perhaps your current employer would like...
Having watched my daughter compete in her first running race at the weekend, I know that age has some impact on our ability to complete and deliver physical tasks at the highest level. However, at 26 she gained the fastest time in her age group. Running was a new experience, and while she needed her Ventolin inhaler at the end she is already planning her next, longer race. She tried something new and, despite the challenges, has found she...
Here’s what some firms are reportedly offering their employees:   Google.  The search engine provider offers free gourmet cafeterias with a range of cuisines as well as onsite massage rooms, nap pods, haircuts and free medical checkups. Huddle.  Employees receive a £5,000 joining bonus (the ‘Huddle Cuddle’) plus a gift worth £500 each year they stay with the software company. The Body Shop.  Staff at the cosmetics firm are paid...
Perhaps you work with someone who has lost a relative or friend and you just don’t know what to say. You may struggle to deal with tears or mood swings. Maybe you want to be supportive but you’re not sure how to do so without overstepping the mark.   If you’re grieving…   …take some time out.  You may feel like you want to get on with life straightaway, but if you don’t start dealing with the emotion it will most likely hold you back...
Are you searching high and low for that perfect job, but unsure how to get out of your not-so-perfect job? I might just have an answer. Let me share a secret with you. For years I had a punchbag with the face of Confucius and his gloating lines pinned below: ‘Find a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life again.’ Well good for you, Confucius, that you found your ideal job, but your clichés won’t help the many people...
Being made redundant can be an upsetting experience, but being prepared can help to soften the blow. Here are some tips and advice to help you get through redundancy and take the next step in your career. First things first   There are some important things to do and information to collect from your employer before you your job comes to an end:  Collect your P45 Ask your HR department to give you written details of your redundancy...
'For all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, "It might have been."'  (John Greenleaf Whittier) Imagine looking back over the years and deeply regretting not having done something you wholeheartedly wanted to do. Did you not pursue your dream job because you put yourself second to everything else in your life? Or maybe it was because you were afraid to try and became dejected about not being good enough to make it happen....