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Preparing for a job presentation as part of an interview process can be a pivotal moment in your career journey. It’s an opportunity not just to showcase your expertise, but also to demonstrate your communication skills, creativity, and alignment with the potential employer’s values and expectations. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you prepare effectively for that crucial presentation. 1. Understand the Brief First and foremost,...
Preparing for a job interview can often feel overwhelming, especially when the stakes are high and our future seems to hang in the balance. As Christians, we believe that our work is not just a means of earning a living, but also a calling and an opportunity to reflect our faith in the professional world. Therefore, it is important to find the perfect role which supports and benefits you and your faith best. Here are our top eight tips to...
A key part of searching for a new job is the interview. Getting an interview means you have passed the first stages of the application and the recruiting team likes your CV. This means they already think you have some or all of the skills they require for the role, and now they want to meet you face-to-face.  Most people find interviews to be a nerve-wracking experience, and it can be challenging to come across confidently if you don’t feel...
Negotiating job terms is a crucial yet often overlooked part of the job search process. Whether it's salary, working hours, or professional development opportunities, effective negotiation can ensure that you start your new job on the right foot. Here are some key strategies to help you master the art of negotiation. 1. Do Your Homework Before you enter any negotiation, research is crucial. Understand the typical salary range for your...
If you’ve been offered a job subject to references, it’s worth giving the matter some careful thought. A bad reference can strike a painful blow, while a good reference can confirm the employer’s opinion that you’re highly employable!   Choosing your referees.  The first thing to think about is who to ask for a reference. If you haven’t had a job before, maybe you could ask someone you know to give a character reference. This could be...
The following questions will help you deal with some of the most common questions asked in job interview scenarios. Whatever you are asked, make sure your answers are believable and enthusiastic. Don’t turn it into a sales pitch, but showcase your skills, experience and personality in a friendly way, smiling where appropriate. Use positive verbal and body language to show that you are engaged and interested in what your interviewer has to...
Many millennials are struggling to get the jobs they want because they have plenty of qualifications but lack experience. With so many people applying for each role, it can be tricky to get a foot in the door. But don’t give up hope; the right job is out there for you. These interview tips will help you make a good impression when the big day arrives. 1.        Dress appropriately Money may be tight if you aren’t currently in...
Even though we live in a pile-it-high and move-fast-recruitment culture, adding weight and focus to your application through a carefully crafted letter or cover email can be extremely advantageous. Most job boards accommodate this. I have also visited a number of larger employers' career sites, and each one I visited included a section for a covering note or letter of some kind. As an ex-recruiter, I’ll confess that we very often sped...
It’s great that you’ve been offered the chance to present yourself in person, but how do you get past the awful nerves? The tips below could help you before, during and even after the big day.   Do your research.  One of the most common fears relating to interviews is that you will be asked something you can’t answer. The more prepared you are, the less likely this is to happen. Research the company you are interviewing with...
Don’t ... ...forget it’s a two-way process While the interviewer is looking to find more about you, the interview is your chance to find out if you would like to work there. We know you may have been searching for a job for a while and that merely having a renewed source of income might be the most crucial thing, but use the interview as an opportunity to ask questions (see below for inspiration). Look around at the premises on the...
Following these tips will get you off to a good start. Carry out a self-assessment.  Before you get started, make a list of your skills, experiences and strengths. The better you understand your preferences and abilities, the more likely you are to find a satisfying role. Research carefully.  Perhaps there is a specific company or industry you want to work in, or a particular position you are looking for. If so, carry out extensive...
This famous Christmas song has a cumulative effect, and your job search should follow suit. The following will probably make more sense if you check part one out before you read on. Once you have, it’s time to get going with day seven of your Christmas job search. 7. On the seventh day of Christmas my job search gave to me (seven swans a swimming).  “What could swans possibly have to do with job searching?” I hear you cry. Well, good...